2015, Apr-
Website - http://neandertal.co.uk
Neandertal is a perfume inspired by the history of Neandertals, and the possibility of an alternative history, a history in which Neandertals continued to survive into the present day.
Neandertals lived in Europe 10 times longer than us, before mysteriously disappearing from earth around 30,000 years ago. We humans carry 1 - 4% or Neandertal DNA, as results of inter-breeding which happened during the 10,000 years we lived side by side with them.
Neandertals were sophisticated beings. They created abstract paintings, jewelleries, and painted over their face and body in the same way we apply makeups. They even made flute like musical instruments.
Their stone tool making techniques were very advanced and artistry was passed down for generations. If Neandertal had survived, they could have created extremely sophisticated civilisation differently shaped from ours.
The frangrance is designed for the Neandertals, and it will reflect their life in the past as well as their sophisticated future, which they could not see themselves. As we posses 1-4% Neandertal DNA within us, this perfume can also be applied to humans. Smell triggers memory above sight and hearing, and it can unlock doors to their shadows hidden within our DNA. Perfume is a highly aestheticised cultural product in the contemporary world, yet it is also one of the most basic and ancient aesthetic experiences that takes us back to our roots.